In the cases mentioned in 1° and 2° of article 230-33, where the needs of the investigation or enquiry so require, the public prosecutor or investigating judge may, for the sole purpose of installing or removing the technical means referred to in article 230-32, authorise by written decision the entry, including outside the hours provided for in article 59, in private premises intended or used for the storage of vehicles, funds, valuables, goods or equipment, or in a vehicle located on the public highway or in such premises, without the knowledge or consent of the owner or occupier of the premises or vehicle or of any person holding a right over them.
If it is a private place other than those mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, this operation may only take place in the cases mentioned in 2° and 3° of article 230-32 or when the investigation or inquiry relates to a crime or offence punishable by at least five years’ imprisonment. If this private place is a dwelling, the authorisation is issued by written decision:
1° In the cases provided for in 1° of article 230-33, by the juge des libertés et de la détention, referred for this purpose by the public prosecutor;
2° In the cases provided for in 2° of the same article 230-33, by the investigating judge or, if the operation must take place outside the hours provided for in article 59, by the juge des libertés et de la détention, referred for this purpose by the investigating judge.
The installation of the technical means mentioned in Article 230-32 may not concern either the places mentioned in articles 56-1 to 56-5, nor the office or home of the persons mentioned in l’article 100-7.