I.-Production programme grants are awarded on the basis of:
1° A quantitative analysis of production activity, based on the following criteria:
a) The work carried out to ensure the best possible commercial distribution of the works produced on different media in France and abroad;
b) Selections and prizes won at festivals in France and abroad;
2° Secondly, a qualitative analysis of the production activity, based on the following criteria:
a) Production policy;
b) Editorial line;
c) Relationship with authors;
d) Company strategy.
II.The quantitative and qualitative analyses are carried out using a number of points awarded to the production company:
1° The quantitative analysis is carried out using a scale of 100 points provided for in article 411-45.
a) The production company has not fully used the financial envelope representing production programme aid allocated the previous year;
b) Or the production company has not completed shooting or animating at least 50% of the works included in a programme supported in the previous year, except in the case of postponement of production decided in agreement with the director, with the exception of works for which the financial envelope representing support has been used to finance development expenditure in accordance with article 411-51 or project development aid has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of sub-section 4.