The French Anti-Corruption Agency shall report to the Public Prosecutor, at least annually, on the implementation of the penalty. It shall inform the Public Prosecutor of any difficulties encountered in drawing up or implementing the compliance programme. It will also submit a report to the public prosecutor when the time limit for implementing the measure has expired.
The convicted legal entity may inform the public prosecutor of any difficulties in implementing the sentence.
II.-Where the penalty provided for in Article 131-39-2 of the Criminal Code has been imposed on a company mentioned in I of Article 17 de la loi n° 2016-1691 du 9 décembre 2016 relative à la transparence, à la lutte contre la corruption et à la modernisation de la vie économique, il est tenu, dans l’exécution de la peine, des mesures et procédures déjà mises en œuvre en application du II du même article 17.
III.- – When the sentence is handed down in application of Article 17.When the sentence handed down pursuant to Article 131-39-2 of the Criminal Code has been served for at least one year, and it is clear from the reports sent to the State Prosecutor that the convicted legal entity has taken appropriate measures and procedures to prevent and detect the commission of acts of corruption or trading in influence and that no further follow-up appears necessary, the State Prosecutor may refer the matter to the Sentence Enforcement Judge for an early termination of the sentence, by reasoned judgment in accordance with Article 712-6 of this code.