The certificate must include the following information:
a) The name and address of the subscriber, and if applicable, the company name;
b) The name, registered office address and full contact details of the insurer and, if applicable, the branch providing cover;
c) The number of the insurance contract;
d) The date on which the certificate was drawn up.
The certificate sets out the characteristics of the construction operation as declared to the insurer:
-the address, nature and cost of construction;
-the date on which the site was opened;
-the nature of the techniques used.
It indicates the persons insured and the absolute excess applicable to each of them.
This information must be included in the insurance certificate in accordance with the following formula to be reproduced:
The cover provided by this insurance certificate applies to the construction operation with the following characteristics: (to be completed by the insurer).
The contract covers the following insured persons, over and above the absolute excess mentioned: (to be completed by the insurer).
In the event that these characteristics are modified, the insured shall inform the insurer.
Nature of cover:
The policy covers the insured’s ten-year liability as established by articles 1792 et seq. of the French Civil Code, within the framework and limits provided by the provisions of articles L. 241-1 and L. 241-2 relating to the obligation to take out ten-year insurance, and for construction work on structures subject to this obligation, in accordance with article L. 243-1-1 of the same code.
The guarantee covers repair work, particularly in the event of replacement of the works, which also includes any demolition, clearing, removal or dismantling work that may be necessary.
Amount of cover:
In dwellings: the amount of cover includes the cost of work to repair damage to the structure.
Non-residential: the amount of the guarantee covers the cost of work to repair damage to the structure, up to the limit of the total construction cost declared by the client, but not exceeding the amount stipulated in I of article R. 243-3 of the Insurance Code.
Duration and continuation of cover:
Cover applies for the duration of the insured party’s ten-year liability under articles 1792 and 1792-2 of the French Civil Code. It is maintained in all cases for the same period.
Absolute excess:
For each of the insured parties, the policy covers the amount of repair work in excess of an absolute excess, which is equal to the cover limit of the individual ten-year insurance policies taken out by each of the insured parties, as mentioned above.
The excess is enforceable against everyone.
The insured undertakes to cover the portion of the risk constituted by this excess with cover at least equivalent to that set out in the standard clauses mentioned in appendix I to article A. 243-1.
This certificate cannot bind the insurer beyond the terms and conditions of the contract to which it refers.