The civil servants of the corps d’encadrement et d’application de la police nationale referred to in Article 16 (4°) and who have the status of judicial police officer may receive authorisation to exercise the powers attached to this status if they are assigned to one of the departments or to one of the categories of departments defined in articles R. 15-18 to R. 15-26-1 and listed below:
1° Services whose territorial jurisdiction covers the entire national territory:
the central directorate of the judicial police;
the sub-directorate of the judicial police of the national gendarmerie;
the general directorate of internal security;
the general inspectorate of the national police;
the detachment of the national police to the national directorate of customs investigations;
the automated road traffic offence recording centre.
2° Services whose territorial jurisdiction extends over one or more defence zones or parts thereof:
-the zonal directorates of the judicial police and their territorial directorates and judicial police departments and the regional directorates of the judicial police and their departmental departments and judicial police departments;
-the directorate of the prefecture of police responsible for maintaining public order and regulating traffic;
-the directorate of the prefecture of police responsible for public security and peace missions, as well as its territorial sureties and local security districts;
-the operational directorate of the technical and logistical services of the prefecture of police;
-the public security districts referred to in article R. 15-19 (7°);
-the research sections of the departmental gendarmerie.
3° Services whose territorial jurisdiction extends over an entire department:
-the sûretés départementales;
-the circonscriptions de sécurité publique.
4° Services of the territorial directorates of the national police:
-the services territoriaux de sécurité publique;
-territorial criminal investigation departments;
-territorial border police services;