I.-On the reverse, entitled: “Information”, appear, at the top of the document:
1° The reproduction, preceded by the mention: “The texts below are extracts, for their entirety, refer to the various codes concerned” of article L. 121-2 of the Highway Code, articles L. 130-4 (paragraph 8), L. 330-2 (paragraph 14) and L. 419-1 of this code and paragraphs 1,3,4,5,6 and 7 of Article 529-6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure;
2° The following entries:
“In accordance with articles L. 251-1 to L. 252-7 of the Internal Security Code, [identification of the operator] has video protection and IT resources intended to ensure: the management of tolls and subscriptions on the concession area, the processing of anomalies related to journeys and equipment, and the fight against toll fraud.
The information recorded is reserved for use by the internal departments of [operator identification].
In accordance with articles 39 et seq. of Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion of information concerning him or her, by contacting the data controller: [name and address of data controller].
By simple written request, you may receive this information on a written medium. “;
3° The address to which the settlement or protest should be sent.
II.-At the bottom of the document, on the reverse side of the protest card, are the following words:
“Protest card.
Case 1: loan or hire of the vehicle (it is essential to attach to this stub the surname, first name, gender, date of birth, address and driving licence number of the person who drove or was likely to drive the vehicle, as well as, where applicable, a copy of the hire contract).
Case 2: theft, destruction, sale or transfer of vehicle, usurpation of number plate (it is essential to attach to this stub the receipt for lodging a complaint for theft, the copy of the receipt for taking charge of the vehicle for destruction or the copies of the declaration of transfer of the vehicle and its acknowledgement of registration in the vehicle registration system).
Case 3: other reason (you must attach your written protest to this stub together with supporting documents relating, for example, to the payment of the toll and its amount). “