Projections according to the three downgraded scenarios mentioned in b of I of Article R. 385-4 are carried out over the same period and using the same assumptions as those provided for in Article A. 381-1, subject to the following changes:
1° For the scenario of falling interest rates, the level of interest rates for amortisable assets and the level of interest rates used as a reference for calculating technical provisions is reduced, for the entire duration of the projection, by the maximum between a relative fall of 40% and an absolute fall of 0.75%, without however being able to be less than 0% or more than 3.5% ;
2° In the scenario of falling financial returns on non-depreciable assets, the level of returns on non-depreciable assets is reduced by 30%;
3° In the scenario of reduced mortality, the mortality rate at any age is reduced by 10%.