For doctors, dental surgeons and midwives required to be registered on the roll of the Association, the Departmental Council of the Association in whose area of jurisdiction their place of professional practice is located will, as part of the process of registration on the roll, register the information provided for in article L. 4113-1 on the basis of the diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications presented by the person concerned or, failing this, the certificate in lieu thereof.
These doctors, dental surgeons and midwives inform the departmental council of the Association, within one month, of any change in their professional situation or residence, particularly in the event of a change in their correspondence details, taking up or leaving an additional post, joining the health reserve corps provided for in article L. 3132-1, or temporary or permanent cessation of activity. Within the same time limit, they must also inform the departmental council of the Association if they fall within one of the statutory situations mentioned in article L. 4061-3.
Former professionals who have interrupted or ceased their activity remain obliged, for a period of three years following their removal from the roll, to inform, within one month, the council in whose jurisdiction their last professional residence is located of any change in their correspondence details.
For the doctors, dental surgeons and midwives mentioned in article L. 4112-6, the operations of registering their diplomas, certificates or titles and collecting or updating the information mentioned in the second paragraph are carried out, within the same period, by the authority to which they report.