Elected members of a council who are not entitled to the allowance provided for in article D. 4125-33 may receive allowances when they attend meetings, participate in the various committees or carry out specific assignments at the request of their councils.
The amount of these allowances, granted for a purpose other than covering the expenses mentioned in the fourth paragraph of article L. 4125-3-1, may be reviewed annually by the Council concerned at its plenary session devoted to the budget. This amount may not exceed a total equal, per half-day of attendance, to 10% of the monthly ceiling provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code, nor exceed, for the year in question, three times the annual ceiling provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 241-3 of the same code.
These provisions also apply to members of the disciplinary chambers.
The procedures for distributing this compensation are specified in the treasury regulations of the ordinal bodies, in compliance with the budget allocated to each ordinal body by the National Council in accordance with the provisions of article L. 4122-2. They shall be published in accordance with the conditions laid down in article L. 4125-3-1.