I.-When it meets in application of article L. 4221-12, the composition of the commission includes the members mentioned in I of article D. 4221-2.
II-The section responsible for examining applications for authorisation to practise in the field of pharmacy also includes the members mentioned in II of article D. 4221-2 as well as a member of the profession proposed by the national organisations of practitioners holding a diploma acquired outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
III-The section responsible for examining applications for authorisation to practise in the field of medical biology also includes the members mentioned in III of article D. 4221-2 as well as a member of the profession proposed by the national organisations of practitioners holding a diploma acquired outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, who are specialists in medical biology.
IV -A representative of a reception or assistance association for refugee healthcare professionals designated by the Minister for Health is added to each of the sections in an advisory capacity.
V.-The members mentioned in II and the member representing practitioners holding a diploma acquired outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, mentioned in III, are appointed by order of the Minister for Health for a renewable period of five years.
A deputy is appointed under the same conditions. The alternate sits on the committee in the absence of the full member.