The inter-company committee or the inspection commission is consulted on the organisation and operation of the occupational health and safety service, in particular on :
1° The budget and the implementation of the budget of the occupational health and prevention service;
2° Changes to the geographical or professional remit of the Occupational Health and Prevention Service;
3° The creation, deletion or modification of sectors;
4° The creation and abolition of posts for occupational health physicians, occupational risk prevention workers or nurses;
5° The recruitment of occupational physicians on fixed-term contracts;
6° The appointment, change of assignment, dismissal, contractual termination of the employment contract, termination of the fixed-term employment contract in the cases provided for in article L. 4623-5-1 and the transfer of an occupational health physician;
7° The dismissal of an occupational risk prevention worker or nurse.
The committee or commission may also be consulted on any matter within its remit.