I.-The director of the inter-company occupational health and prevention service draws up the annual activity report referred to in article L. 4622-16, which is presented to the inter-company committee or to the control commission and to the board of directors no later than the end of the fourth month following the year for which it was drawn up. This report is then sent to members.
The medico-technical committee provided for in Article L. 4622-13 issues an opinion on this report, before it is submitted to the bodies mentioned in the first paragraph.
The bodies referred to in the first paragraph may make any proposal relating to the organisation, operation, equipment and budget of the occupational health and prevention service
II.-In undertakings or establishments with more than three hundred employees, the activity data specific to the undertaking or establishment are forwarded to the social and economic committee.
The same applies in other companies or establishments when the social and economic committee concerned so requests.