A company accounting report, certified by a statutory auditor, is submitted in addition to the reports provided for in articles D. 4622-54 and D. 4622-55 by the end of the first half-year following the financial year in question at the latest.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter II: Tasks and organisation | Section 4: Common provisions. | Subsection 2: Reports | Article D4622-56 of the French Labour Code
A company accounting report, certified by a statutory auditor, is submitted in addition to the reports provided for in articles D. 4622-54 and D. 4622-55 by the end of the first half-year following the financial year in question at the latest.
Un rapport comptable d’entreprise, certifié par un commissaire aux comptes, est versé en complément des rapports prévus aux articles D. 4622-54 et D. 4622-55 au plus tard avant la fin du premier semestre suivant l’exercice considéré.
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