I.-The fixed monthly amount of the allowance mentioned in article L. 5131-6 is set at:
1° For a young person of full age at :
a) €500 when the young person is a member of, or is attached to, a non-taxable household for income tax purposes;
b) €300 when the young person is a member of, or is attached to, a taxable household for income tax purposes, each part of whose income is included in the first bracket of the scale set out inarticle 197 of the General Tax Code;
2° For a young minor, 200 €, when the young person is a member of or is attached to a tax household that is not subject to income tax or when he/she is a member of or is attached to a taxable household, each part of whose income is included in the first bracket of the scale set out in article 197 of the General Tax Code.
II – For the application of I, the organisations designated in article L. 5131-6 to implement the youth commitment contract may consider that a young person is fiscally autonomous in the event of a clear family break-up or the young person’s announced detachment at the time of the next tax return. If no correction is made when the following year’s tax return is filed, the beneficiary will be reimbursed the overpayment.
III – In Mayotte, the amounts mentioned in a and b of 1° and 2° of I are set at €285, €171 and €114 respectively.
IV-The amounts mentioned in I and III are revalued on 1st April each year by applying the coefficient mentioned inarticle L. 161-25 of the Social Security Code.
V. – The lump-sum amount of the allowance is defined when the commitment contract is signed. It is reviewed at the young person’s request or at the initiative of the advisor responsible for the young person, in the event of a change in the young person’s situation.