Derogation from the weekly working time for the holder of a fixed-term contract concluded in application of article L. 1242-3 in the integration workshops and sites may be granted by the Prefect after examining the situation of the person concerned.
The period during which the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours may be waived may not exceed twelve months.
This period may be extended following an assessment by the employer of the employee’s employment situation and the support and training from which he or she has benefited, where appropriate in cooperation with the Prefect and the organisations responsible for the social and professional integration of this person.
The extension must enable the support and training measures prescribed at the time of the initial application to be completed. The duration of the extension may not exceed the duration of the agreed action or workshop and work site.
The request for a waiver is made either on the employer’s initiative prior to recruitment, or on the employee’s initiative in agreement with the employer.