The youth employment agreement referred to in 1° of Article L. 5134-2 specifies in particular :
1° A description of the activities envisaged;
2° The number of positions and the nature of the employment contracts giving entitlement to the aid whose creation is envisaged;
3° The fixing of the period, of twelve months at most from the conclusion of the agreement, during which the positions may be created;
4° The collective working hours applicable in the employing organisation;
5° For each position, the working hours fixed in the employment contract of the employee occupying the position;
6° The objectives set to ensure the professionalisation of the activities envisaged and, where applicable, the training and professional qualification measures for the employees carrying out these activities;
7° The collective agreement that may be applicable;
8° The amount and terms of payment of the State aid;
9° The terms and conditions for monitoring the application of the agreement.