The Prefect monitors the performance of the agreement. To this end, the employer shall provide, at his request, any information needed to verify the proper implementation of the agreement and the reality of the jobs created.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter IV: Assisted employment contracts | Section 1: Youth Employment Contract | Subsection 2: Agreement | Article D5134-5 of the French Labour Code
The Prefect monitors the performance of the agreement. To this end, the employer shall provide, at his request, any information needed to verify the proper implementation of the agreement and the reality of the jobs created.
Le préfet contrôle l’exécution de la convention. A cette fin, l’employeur fournit à sa demande tout élément permettant de vérifier la bonne exécution de la convention et la réalité des emplois créés.
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