The agreement referred to in Article L. 5135-4 , the model for which is set by order of the Minister for Employment, includes the following information in particular:
1° The name, address and legal form of the prescribing body;
2° The surname, first name, address and date of birth of the beneficiary, their employment status, an indication, where applicable, of their status as a beneficiary of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income) financed by the département, and, if they are an employee, the details of their employer;
3° The name, address, legal form, registration number and date of registration of the host structure, its main activity and, where applicable, the collective agreement to which it is subject, as well as the name and position of the person responsible for receiving and monitoring the beneficiary and for passing on health and safety instructions;
4° The name, address and legal form of the support structure, as well as the name and position of the advisor responsible for the beneficiary;
5° The start and end dates of the work experience period(s), the number of hours of attendance, the place of performance, the purpose assigned to this period from among those mentioned in article L. 5135-1, as well as the precise objective(s) set in this context and the procedures planned to assess their achievement;
6° A description of the tasks entrusted to the beneficiary with the aim of developing the skills sought, as well as the hours of presence in the host structure.