I. – The personal data and information recorded in the processing system referred to in I of article D. 5422-4 are kept for the time required:
1° To process requests for reimbursement of contributions unduly paid, within the limitation periods provided for in the first paragraph of I of article L. 243-6 of the Social Security Code and in II of article L. 725-7 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code plus three years ;
2° Recovery and control of contributions paid, within the time limits provided for in Articles L. 244-3, L. 244-8-1 and L. 244-11 of the Social Security Code, in I of Article L. 725-7 and in Article L. 725-12 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, plus three years. In the absence of notification of a formal notice provided for inarticle L. 244-2 of the Social Security Code andarticle L. 725-3 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code before the end of the limitation periods for contributions provided for respectively in articles L. 244-3 and L. 244-11 of the Social Security Code, I of Article L. 725-7 andArticle L. 725-12 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code respectively, the data is deleted within three years of the expiry of these limitation periods.
Once the period provided for in 1° has expired, the data kept for the periods provided for in 2° may no longer be communicated to the employer under the conditions provided for in this section.
In the event of a challenge or dispute, these time limits are extended, where applicable, until a final court decision has been reached.
II. – Any operation relating to the processing mentioned in I of article D. 5422-4 is recorded, including the identification of the user, the date and the nature of the intervention in the said processing.