Hours worked to replace hours lost due to bad weather are paid in accordance with the regulations without taking into account the compensation to which they gave rise under Articles L. 5424-6 to L. 5424-19.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter IV: Special schemes | Section 2: Building and public works companies out of work due to bad weather. | Subsection 5: Status of employees. | Article D5424-17 of the French Labour Code
Hours worked to replace hours lost due to bad weather are paid in accordance with the regulations without taking into account the compensation to which they gave rise under Articles L. 5424-6 to L. 5424-19.
Les heures de travail effectuées en remplacement des heures perdues pour cause d’intempéries sont rémunérées conformément à la réglementation sans tenir compte de l’indemnisation à laquelle elles ont donné lieu au titre des articles L. 5424-6 à L. 5424-19.
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