1° The Director of Research, Studies and Statistics of the Ministry responsible for employment or his/her representative;
2° The Head of the Department of Studies, Forecasting and Statistics of the Ministry responsible for culture or his/her representative;
3° The Director of Statistics, Studies and Evaluation of Pôle emploi or his/her representative;
4° The Director of Studies and Analyses of the body responsible for managing the unemployment insurance scheme mentioned in Article L. 5427-1 or its representative;
5° Four qualified persons appointed by joint order of the Minister for Employment and the Minister for Culture.
The chairman of the expertise committee is appointed by the order referred to in 5° from among the four qualified persons who sit on it.
The mandate of the qualified persons ends nine months before the end of the validity of the agreements provided for in Article L. 5422-20. In the event of any vacancy or loss of the capacity for which they were appointed, they shall be replaced for the remainder of their term of office.