I.-The regional cross-industry joint committees finance :
1° The educational costs, ancillary costs and costs relating to the validation of skills and knowledge for the professional transition projects provided for in article R. 6323-14-3 ;
2° The remuneration of the beneficiaries of a vocational transition project and the payment of statutory social security contributions and contributions under collective bargaining agreements payable by the employer on this remuneration, as provided for in article R. 6323-14-3;
3° Expenditure incurred in monitoring the implementation of career development advice in the region, as provided for in article L. 6323-17-6 ;
4° Management costs corresponding to the tasks of the regional joint inter-professional committee within the limits defined by the agreement on objectives and resources provided for in article D. 6323-21-4 or, failing this, within those determined by the Minister responsible for vocational training, under the conditions provided for in III of the same article.
II – The regional joint cross-industry committees do not provide any direct or indirect funding to employee trade unions or professional employers’ organisations, subject to the reimbursement, on presentation of receipts, of travel, accommodation and catering expenses incurred by the people who sit on the management bodies of these committees.