The remuneration due to disabled jobseekers, recognised under article L. 5213-2, who have been in paid employment for six months during a twelve-month period or for twelve months during a twenty-four month period is established on the basis of the salary previously received within the limits of the minimum and maximum amounts set in article D. 6341-24-3.
It is calculated according to the legal working hours set out in article L. 3121-27 on the basis of the average salary received during the six-month or twelve-month period of employment in question. Increases for overtime, compensatory allowances for paid leave and notice periods as well as bonuses and allowances which are not included in the calculation of social security contributions are not included in the calculation of wages received.
If the interruption of work occurred more than one year before the start of the training period, the salary received in the last job is affected by a revaluation coefficient corresponding to the increases in the minimum growth wage during the period in question.