The acts of the sports resources, expertise and performance centres relating to the budget and its modifications are prepared, adopted and become enforceable under the conditions defined in articles L. 421-11, with the exception of the second paragraph of a, and L. 421-12 du code de l’éducation. These acts and the financial account are subject to budgetary control under the conditions defined in article L. 421-13 of the same code.
For the application of the first paragraph of this article, the educational expenses mentioned in the second paragraph of e of article L. 421-11 and in I of article L. 421-13 of the Education Code correspond to those defined in 2° of article L. 114-4 of this code and the terms: “academic authority” mentioned in the first and second paragraphs of d, the first paragraph of e and f of article L. 421-11 and the second paragraph of II of article L. 421-13 of the Education Code refer to the Regional Director of Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion.