By 31 January each year at the latest, all employers of salaried employees or persons treated as such are required to send the body responsible for collecting social security contributions a statement indicating the number of employees who took early retirement or were placed on early retirement during the previous calendar year, their age and the amount of the benefit allocated to them. This declaration also indicates the number of compulsory retirements at the initiative of the employer under the conditions of articles L. 1237-5 to L. 1237-10 and the number of employees aged fifty-five and over made redundant or who benefited from the contractual termination referred to in article L. 1237-11 during the calendar year preceding the declaration.
Failure to submit this declaration within the prescribed time limits will result in a penalty equal to six hundred times the hourly rate of the minimum growth wage. This penalty is recovered by the body responsible for collecting social security contributions to which the employer is subject. The proceeds are allocated to the Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse .
The model declaration is set by joint order of the Minister for Social Security and the Minister for Employment.
The obligation to declare mentioned in the first paragraph only applies to employers where at least one employee or equivalent has taken early retirement or has been placed on early retirement or has been retired at the initiative of the employer during the previous calendar year, as well as to employers where at least one employee aged fifty-five or over has been made redundant or has benefited from the contractual termination mentioned in article L. 1237-11 during the previous calendar year.