The regional health agencies may conclude an initial practice contract with a doctor practising as a replacement or with a student meeting the conditions laid down in article L. 4131-2. The signing of this contract entitles the holder to remuneration in addition to income from healthcare activities, as well as support in setting up, provided that the place of practice is in the territories mentioned in the second paragraph of this article or in an area bordering on them and that the commencement of practice is less than one year old.
The signatory undertakes, for a period fixed by the contract, to practise or to provide a replacement service in one or more medical practices in the territories defined by the regional health agency and characterised by an insufficient supply of doctors or difficulties in access to care for the speciality concerned. A change by the regional health agency in the definition of the territories characterised by an insufficient supply of doctors or difficulties in access to care for the specialty concerned has no impact on current contracts. The signatory must comply with the mandatory tariffs.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat will specify the conditions for application of this article, in particular the minimum and maximum duration of the contract, the procedures for defining the neighbouring areas concerned and the special provisions applicable to isolated areas with seasonal population influxes and to overseas territories. No other contract may be concluded by the signatory on the basis of this article during the term of the contract. These contracts may not be renewed.