The regional health agency may propose that contracted healthcare professionals, healthcare centres, healthcare clusters, healthcare establishments, accommodation establishments for the elderly and dependent persons, healthcare centres, medico-social services, as well as coordination support schemes and specific regional schemes within its remit, sign contracts aimed at improving the quality and coordination of care.
These contracts set out the commitments of the professionals, centres, establishments, homes, services, poles or coordination support schemes or specific regional schemes concerned, and the financial compensation that may be associated with them. Payment of any financial compensation depends on whether the professional, centre, establishment, home, service, centre of excellence, coordination support mechanism or specific regional mechanism concerned achieves its objectives. The contracts referred to in the first paragraph shall comply with national standard contracts. These standard contracts are adopted, for self-employed health professionals, health centres and health centres, by the parties to the agreements referred to in articles L. 162-5, L. 162-9, L. 162-12-2, L. 162-12-9, L. 162-14 and L. 162-32-1 of the Social Security Code; in other cases, they are adopted by the Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie and by the ministers responsible for health, the elderly, the disabled and health insurance. In the absence of a national standard contract, the regional health agency will draw up a regional standard contract, which will be deemed to have been approved forty-five days after receipt by the Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie, the parties to the aforementioned agreements and the ministers responsible for health, the elderly, the disabled and health insurance.
The financial compensation is financed by the regional intervention fund mentioned in article L. 1435-8 of this code and the allocation mentioned in article L. 162-22-13 of the social security code.
The Regional Health Agency monitors and ensures compliance with the commitments defined in these contracts.