The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée may audit the operating account or have it audited by an independent expert. The purpose of this audit is to check the regularity and accuracy of the account.
The distributor or, where applicable, the line producer sends the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée or the independent expert all the documents or evidence required to carry out the audit.
The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée sends the draft audit report to the distributor or line producer in the case provided for in article L. 213-33 of this code, which presents its observations. The final audit report is sent to the distributor, the line producer, the other co-producers, the authors listed in article L. 113-7 of the Intellectual Property Code and, where applicable, to publishers who are transferees of the audiovisual adaptation rights to a printed work.
The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée also informs any natural or legal person with whom the line producer has entered into a contract granting that person a share in the box office receipts of the work of the information relating to this share.
Where the audit report reveals a breach of the provisions of article L. 421-1 of this code, this is recorded and penalised in accordance with the conditions set out in Book IV.