Any producer who, in his capacity as line producer, has taken the initiative and financial, artistic and technical responsibility for the production of an audiovisual work in the genres of fiction, animation, creative documentary or audiovisual adaptation of a live performance, eligible for financial support for production from the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée and whose successful completion he has guaranteed must, within six months of the date of completion of the audiovisual work, draw up and send the production account for the work to the other co-producers, to the companies with which it has signed a financing contract giving them a share of the box office receipts, to the television service publishers who have contributed to financing the production of the work and to the authors listed in article L. 113-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code and, where applicable, to publishers who have transferred the audiovisual adaptation rights for a printed work, provided that a contract has been signed with these authors or publishers granting them a share of the revenues from the exploitation of the work, subject to the amortisation of production costs.
The production account is also sent to any other natural or legal person with whom the line producer has signed a contract granting him a share in the revenue from the exploitation of the work, subject to the amortisation of the production cost.
The production account includes all expenditure incurred in the preparation, direction and post-production of the work, establishes its final cost and indicates the means of financing it.