The amount of remuneration charged by organisations for the exploitation of rights shall be reasonable and shall ensure that the rightholders they represent receive appropriate remuneration for such exploitation. It shall take into account, in particular, the economic value of the rights exploited, whether they are exclusive rights or rights to remuneration, the nature and extent of the use of the works and other subject-matter to which those rights relate, and the economic value of the service provided by the collecting organisation.
The articles of association or general regulations of the organisations must lay down the conditions under which associations with a general interest purpose benefit, for their events not involving paid admission, from a reduction in the amount of copyright and related rights that they would have to pay.
Where exploitation rights are granted by collective management organisations to a user providing a new type of online service which has been available to the public in the European Union for less than three years, the conditions under which those rights were granted may not constitute a precedent for determining the conditions under which other exploitation rights may be granted. The three-year period runs from the first contract for the service in question.