I.-Articles L. 232-18-7, L. 232-18-9 to L. 232-20 and L. 232-20-2 are applicable in French Polynesia.
II.For the application of I:
1° In article L. 232-18-7:
a) The words: “tribunal judiciaire” are replaced by the words: “tribunal de première instance”;
b) At the end of the last sentence of the fifth paragraph and the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph, the words: “mentioned in article L. 232-18-5” are replaced by the words: “provided for by local anti-doping regulations”;
2° In the first paragraph of article L. 232-18-9:
a) The words “in 1° and 2° of II of article L. 232-9 and in 1°, 2° and 3° of article L. 232-10” and the words “in article L. 232-9” are replaced by the words: “by local anti-doping regulations”;
b) At the end, the words: “, where applicable by applying the provisions of article L. 232-18-5” are deleted;
3° Article L. 232-20 reads as follows:
“Art. L. 232-20 – By way of derogation from their professional secrecy obligations, the agents of the French Anti-Doping Agency and the judicial and administrative authorities responsible for the fight against doping may provide each other with any information, including personal information, obtained in the course of their respective duties and relating to facts likely to constitute violations and criminal offences in the fight against doping. “