By way of derogation from article 9 of law no. 83-663 of 22 July 1983 supplementing the loi n° 83-8 du 7 janvier 1983 relative à la répartition de compétences entre les communes, les départements, les régions et l’Etat, la collectivité territoriale de Corse est compétente pour créer, aménager, entretenir, gérer les ports maritimes de commerce et de pêche et, le cas échéant, pour étendre le périmètre en.
The State-owned assets of the ports of Ajaccio and Bastia are transferred to the assets of the Corsican regional authority. The territorial collectivity shall make available to the State, free of charge, the installations and facilities required for the operation of the services responsible for port policing and security. An agreement between the State and the territorial authority organises the procedures for implementing these transfers and in particular provides for the measures necessary for the operation of the services responsible for policing and security.
Notwithstanding article L. 1311-1 of this code, the provisions of articles L. 34-1 to L. 34-7 of the code du domaine de l’Etat are applicable to the public domain of the ports of Ajaccio and Bastia transferred to the territorial collectivity of Corsica. The authorisations, decisions and approvals mentioned in articles L. 34-1 to L. 34-4 of the same code are taken or granted, after consultation with the State representative, by the President of the Executive Council. They may also be taken or granted by the concessionaire, after consultation with the State representative, when the terms of the concession expressly provide for this. A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall specify, where necessary, the conditions for application of this paragraph.