This grant is mainly dedicated to implementing the provisions of articles L. 4424-18 and L. 4424-19.
The amount of the territorial continuity grant for the 1991 financial year is that of the previous financial year revalued in accordance with the variation, provided for in the Finance Act, in the prices of market gross domestic product.
The amount of this allocation is, where applicable, increased by sums paid by any other public entity, and in particular the European Community, in order to compensate for any loss resulting from restrictions on the freedom to set fares.
The remaining funds available are allocated as a priority to the construction of port and airport facilities for the transport and reception of passengers and goods, then to the renovation or construction of road and rail infrastructure or to investment operations as part of an overall development project for the territory of Corsica, in particular as part of the public policies carried out in favour of the interior and mountain areas.