Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 2121-33, the term of office of delegates is linked to that of the municipal council of the commune from which they come. This mandate expires at the time of installation of the deliberative body of the public establishment of inter-communal cooperation following the general renewal of the municipal councils.
After the general renewal of the municipal councils, the deliberative body of the public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation meets no later than the Friday of the fourth week following the election of the mayors.
In the event of the suspension or dissolution of a municipal council or the renewal of the municipal council pursuant to article L. 270 of the Electoral Code or the resignation of all the members in office, the term of office of the municipal council delegates is extended until delegates are appointed in accordance with Article L. 5211-6.
In the event of a vacancy among the delegates of a municipal council for any reason whatsoever, that council shall provide a replacement within a period of one month in accordance with the procedures set out in article L. 2122-7 for syndicates of communes and those provided for by law for other public establishments for inter-communal cooperation.
If a commune fails to designate its delegates, that commune is represented on the deliberative body of the public inter-communal cooperation establishment by the mayor if it has only one delegate, by the mayor and the first deputy if it does not.The deliberative body is then deemed to be complete.
In the event that the election of a municipal council is annulled, and provided that the resulting vacancy in the deliberative body of the public establishment of inter-communal cooperation to which the municipality belongs is greater than at least 20% of the total number of members of this deliberative body, the latter may only deliberate on the management of current affairs or those of an urgent nature. It may not vote on the budget or approve the accounts of the public body.