A multi-year agreement on objectives and resources is signed between the State, the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1, the association responsible for managing the fund for the professional integration of disabled people, the fund for the integration of disabled people in the civil service and the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie.
This agreement sets out :
1° The procedures for implementation by the parties to the agreement of the objectives and priorities set for the employment of disabled people ;
2° The services provided to jobseekers who benefit from the employment obligation and to private and public employers who wish to recruit disabled people;
3° The procedures for implementing the placement activity and the conditions for using the specialised placement bodies referred to in Article L. 5214-3-1, taking into account the specific nature of the groups covered;
4° The actions, services, assistance or resources made available to the public employment service and specialised placement bodies by the association and fund mentioned in the first paragraph of this article;
5° The terms of the partnership that the maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (departmental centres for the disabled) set up with the public employment service, the association and the fund mentioned in the first paragraph and the resources allocated to them within this framework to enable them to carry out their vocational assessment and guidance role;
6° The conditions under which a monitoring committee, made up of representatives of the parties to the agreement, is responsible for evaluating the actions to be implemented under the agreement.
Before it is signed, the agreement is sent to the Conseil national de l’emploi, de la formation et de l’orientation professionnelles for its opinion.
For its application, the agreement is the subject of regional variations involving the maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (departmental centres for the disabled) and all the players involved in the integration of people furthest from employment. Specialised employment agencies are consulted for their opinion. These regional agreements are based on regional plans for the professional integration of disabled workers.