II. – For the evaluation of the costs corresponding to the competencies transferred by the region, the commission is composed of four representatives of the metropolitan council and four representatives of the regional council.
III. – For the evaluation of charges relating to competencies transferred by the département, the commission is composed of four representatives of the metropolitan council and four representatives of the département council.
IV. – In all cases, the commission is chaired by the president of the regional audit chamber with territorial jurisdiction. If he is absent or unable to attend, he is replaced by a magistrate from the same chamber, whom he has designated in advance.
V. – The commission is consulted on the terms of compensation for the costs corresponding to the transferred competencies.
It may only validly deliberate if the number of members present is at least equal to half the number of members called upon to deliberate.
If this number is not reached, a new notice is sent to the members of the commission. The committee may then deliberate regardless of the number of members present. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.
VI. – A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall, where necessary, lay down the procedures for applying this article.