Public health institutions are legal entities under public law with administrative and financial autonomy. They are subject to State control under the conditions set out in this Title. Their main purpose is neither industrial nor commercial. They have a specific status, provided for in particular by this title and by law no. 86-33 of 9 January 1986 on statutory provisions relating to the hospital civil service, which takes particular account of their local location and their role in the territorial strategies steered by the local authorities.
Hospitals may be located at municipal, inter-municipal, departmental, regional, inter-regional or national level. They are created by decree when their jurisdiction is national, inter-regional or regional, and by order of the director general of the regional health agency in other cases. In Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, they are territorial.
The local authorities are involved in their governance. They are closely involved in defining their strategies to ensure the best possible access to care and that health issues are taken into account in local policies.
Public health establishments have a supervisory board and are managed by a director assisted by a management board.