I. – The regime of incompatibilities concerning councillors to the Martinique Assembly remains applicable to a councillor to the Martinique Assembly who resigns because he accepts the office of executive councillor. He shall be replaced in the Assembly under the conditions laid down in Article L. 558-32 of the Electoral Code.
II. – Pour l’application des dispositions instituant les incompatibilités entre certains mandats électoraux ou fonctions électives:
1° Les fonctions de président du conseil exécutif de Martinique sont assimilées à celles de président d’un conseil régional;
2° Les fonctions de conseiller exécutif autre que le président sont assimilées au mandat de conseiller régional.
III. – The functions of president of the Martinique executive council are incompatible with the exercise of the following functions: mayor, president of a public establishment of inter-communal cooperation with its own tax system of more than 50,000 inhabitants, member of the European Commission, member of the executive board of the European Central Bank or member of the monetary policy council of the Banque de France.
IV. – If the President of the Executive Council holds a position that places him/her in a situation of incompatibility as provided for in III, he/she shall thereby cease to perform his/her duties as President of the Executive Council and to be a member of the Executive Council. In the event of a dispute, the incompatibility takes effect from the date on which the court decision confirming the election of the Executive Council becomes final.