Foreign nationals placed under house arrest in application of article L. 751-2 must appear when summoned by the administrative authority, respond to requests for information and attend the interviews scheduled as part of the procedure for determining the State responsible for examining their asylum application or enforcing the transfer decision. The administrative authority may require the foreign national to surrender his or her passport or any document proving his or her identity, under the conditions laid down in article L. 814-1.
If the foreign national has failed, without legitimate reason, to comply with the summonses issued by the administrative authority and the interviews provided for as part of the procedure for determining the State responsible for the asylum application or for enforcing the transfer decision, the administrative authority may have the foreign national taken by the police or gendarmerie units in order to carry out these procedures, under the conditions and for the time strictly necessary for them to be carried out.
Visiting operations may not, on pain of nullity, have any purposes other than those listed in the third paragraph.