A commercial company whose registered office is located abroad and which opens a first establishment in France is required to file with the registry of the commercial court in whose jurisdiction this establishment is located, at the latest at the same time as the application for registration, a copy of its articles of association in force on the day of filing; it shall also file, each year, the accounting documents which it has drawn up, had audited and published in the State where it has its registered office.
The filing of the accounting documents shall be made within the period provided for by the legislation governing the registered office of the company.
All subsequent deeds amending the articles of association shall be filed under the conditions provided for in the previous paragraph.
The documents filed shall, where applicable, be translated into French and the copies shall be certified as true by the legal representative of the company or by the person with the power to bind the company in France.
When filed electronically, the filing referred to in the first paragraph is made through the single body referred to in Article R. 123-1 and under the conditions provided for in Article R. 123-7.