Amending entries shall be made in the National Register of Companies:
1° Upon declaration by the guardian or curator, final decisions placing an adult under guardianship or curatorship within the meaning of Article 440 of the Civil Code and those discharging or revoking them;
2° Upon declaration by an heir, successor or any person authorised for this purpose, the death of the individual limited liability company, in application of the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 526-15;
3° On declaration by the heirs or universal successors, the death of the registered person, with the possibility of declaring the provisional maintenance of registration for a maximum period of one year, and, if the business continues, the conditions of operation, name, customary name, pseudonym, first names, personal domicile and status of the heirs and universal successors, date and place of birth, nationality and status of the persons running the business; in the latter case, the declaration is made by the person(s) continuing to operate the business;
4° Renewal, limited to a further period of one year, of the provisional maintenance of registration in the cases provided for in 3°.