The dose limits defined in Article R. 1333-11 do not apply to persons subject to the following exposures:
1° Exposure of patients as part of a diagnosis or therapeutic treatment based on ionising radiation from which they are benefiting, as provided for in I of article L. 1333-18 ;
2° Exposure of persons who, having been informed of the risk of exposure, voluntarily and privately participate in the support and comfort of the patients mentioned in 1°;
3° Exposure of persons voluntarily taking part in research programmes involving the human person using ionising radiation sources, as provided for in Article L. 1333-18;
4° Exposure of persons subject to radiological emergencies as referred to in 1° of Article L. 1333-3;
5° Exposure of persons subject to exposure situations mentioned in 2° and 3° of Article L. 1333-3;
6° Exposure of workers when exposure to ionising radiation results from their professional activity as provided for in Article L. 4451-1 of the Labour Code.