The areas of the regional health plan giving rise to the distribution of healthcare activities and heavy equipment defined in 2° of the I of article L. 1434-3 are delimited by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency for each healthcare activity defined in article R. 6122-25 and heavy equipment defined in article R. 6122-26. These zones may be common to several care activities and heavy equipment.
Within these zones, quantitative objectives are defined for each care activity or heavy equipment.
The delimitation of these zones takes into account, for each healthcare activity and heavy equipment:
1° The needs of the population ;
2° Existing provision and its necessary adaptations, as well as technical and scientific developments;
3° The demography of health professionals and their distribution;
4° The coherence between the different care activities and heavy equipment subject to authorisation;
5° Cooperation between healthcare professionals.
The delimitation of zones helps to guarantee, for each care activity and heavy equipment, the gradation of care organised for these activities, the continuity of care and the fluidity of care pathways, accessibility to care, particularly from a geographical and financial point of view, the quality and safety of care and the efficiency of care provision.