The Board of Directors comprises twenty-nine members, distributed as follows:
1° Three ex officio members:
a) The Director of Sports or his representative ;
b) The President of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee or his representative;
c) The President of the French Paralympic Sports Committee or his representative;
2° Seven State representatives appointed by the Minister they represent, including two representatives of the Minister for Sport, one representative of the Minister for Health, one representative of the Minister for Higher Education, one representative of the Minister for Education, one representative of the Minister for the Budget and one representative of the Minister for Defence.
The members mentioned in 2° are appointed by order of the Minister for Sport and may be represented by their alternate, designated and appointed under the same conditions;
3° Nine elected members:
a) One representative of the administrative, technical, research or training engineers;
b) Two representatives of professors or equivalent;
c) One representative of staff with training and research responsibilities covered by Decree no. 2006-733 of 23 June 2006 relating to senior technical or scientific posts at the Institut national des sports et de l’éducation physique ;
d) One representative of other teacher-researchers and teachers;
e) A representative of high-level sportsmen and women and trainees in training;
f) Two representatives of the staff mentioned in article R. 131-16 working in the institution, including one representative of the heads of the high-level centres located in the institution;
g) One representative of medical and paramedical staff.
The members mentioned in 3° above are elected for four years and may be represented by their alternate, elected under the same conditions;
4° A Paris councillor appointed by the Paris City Council;
5° Nine appointed members:
a) Two sports federation presidents appointed by the President of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee;
b) One member appointed from among its members by the Athletes’ Commission of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee;
c) A company director or company executive appointed by the Minister for Sport;
d) A national technical director appointed by the Minister for Sport;
e) Four people qualified by their skills in relation to the missions of the Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance (National Institute for Sport, Expertise and Performance) appointed by the Minister for Sport.
The members mentioned in 5° are appointed for four years by order of the Minister for Sport; they may give a proxy to another member of the Board if they are unable to attend a meeting.
A Board member may not hold more than one proxy.