Any person wishing to engage in one of the activities mentioned in the first paragraph of I of article L. 212-1 must make a prior declaration to the prefect of the département in which they intend to carry out their principal activity.
This declaration must be renewed every five years.
The Prefect is informed of any changes to any of the information contained in the declaration.
The Prefect checks the application and acknowledges receipt within one month of receipt if it is complete, or, if necessary, asks the applicant to complete it within one month. Failing this, the application will be declared inadmissible.
The list of documents required for the declaration of activity and its renewal is set by order of the Minister for Sport.
The provisions of this article do not apply, in the exercise of their duties, to military personnel and teachers in public educational establishments and private educational establishments under contract with the State.
The administrative authority that appoints sports instructors who are civil servants covered by Title II, III or IV of the General Statute on Civil Servants in the State and Local Authorities may, with the consent of the agent, make the declaration provided for in article L. 212-11.