Each of the delegated federations concerned by the application of this chapter, the list of which is determined by order of the Minister for Sport, shall set up a sports agents’ commission and appoint a sports agents’ representative. The chairman and members of the sports agents’ committee, as well as the sports agents’ representative, are appointed by the relevant governing body. The latter also appoints a deputy for each of them.
The sports agents’ commission participates, along with the inter-federal sports agents’ commission mentioned in article R. 222-7, in the organisation of the sports agent licence examination. It may organise training prior to the issue of the sports agent’s licence. It issues, suspends and withdraws this licence. It pronounces the disciplinary sanctions provided for in article L. 222-19.
The sports agents’ commission draws up draft sports agents’ regulations which it sends to the Minister for Sport for his opinion and then submits to the relevant governing body of the federation for approval. The sports agents’ regulations set out the rules which the Federation is responsible for enacting in application of the legislative and regulatory provisions of this chapter.
The sports agent delegate supervises the activities of sports agents and initiates the procedures likely to lead to the imposition of the sanctions provided for in article L. 222-19. He and his deputy are chosen for their legal and sporting expertise.