I. – The deed provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 2231-5-1 by which the parties may agree that part of the agreement need not be published as provided for in the first paragraph of the same article is signed by the majority of the trade union organisations signing the agreement and :
1° For group, company and establishment agreements, by the legal representative of the group, company or establishment or for an inter-company agreement by the legal representatives of these companies;
2° For branch agreements, by one or more signatory professional employers’ organisations.
This document states the reasons why the agreement does not need to be published in full. These reasons do not affect the legality of the agreement.
Extended agreements are published in full. Other conventions or agreements are published with the indication, where applicable, that such publication is partial.
II. – In the absence of such a document, the conventions and agreements are published in full, unless the employer or a signatory organisation requests that the surnames and first names of the negotiators and signatories be deleted. This request is transmitted at the time the agreement is submitted by the most diligent party.
The other signatories may make the same request within one month of the filing of the agreement.
This request includes the indication by the legal representative of the group, company or establishment or by the legal representatives in the case of an inter-company agreement or by the signatory trade union organisation of the surname, first name and position of its representative duly authorised for this purpose, the title of the agreement and the date and place of signature.