The social and economic committee’s resources for social and cultural activities are made up of :
1° The sums paid by the employer for the operation of the company’s social institutions which are not legally its responsibility, excluding sums allocated to pensioners;
2° The sums previously paid by the employer to the family allowance funds and similar bodies, for the institutions financed by these funds and which operate within the company;
3° Compulsory reimbursement by the employer of insurance premiums payable by the committee to cover its civil liability;
4° Voluntary contributions by employees of the company, for which the committee may determine the conditions of collection and the effects;
5° Subsidies granted by public authorities or trade union organisations;
6° Donations and legacies;
7° Income from events organised by the committee;
8° Income from the committee’s movable and immovable property;
9° All or part of the amount of the annual operating budget surplus paid by the employer, after deliberation by the committee, in application of the fifth paragraph of article L. 2315-61.