The following are also subject to compulsory vaccination with the BCG anti-tuberculosis vaccine:
1° Persons working in the establishments or services mentioned in A of article R. 3112-1 and childminders;
2° People working in medical biology laboratories;
3° Staff of penal establishments, probation services and establishments or services for the judicial protection of young people;
4° Nursing staff in the establishments and services listed below, as well as persons who, within these establishments, are likely to have repeated contact with tuberculosis patients:
a) Public and private health establishments, including the establishments mentioned in article L. 6141-5 ;
b) Armed forces hospitals and the national invalids’ institution;
c) Holders of home hospitalisation authorisations mentioned in article L. 6125-2 ;
d) Dispensaries or care centres, maternal and child protection centres and consultations;
e) Residential establishments and services for the elderly;
f) Structures caring for patients with the human immunodeficiency virus or drug addicts;
g) Accommodation and social reintegration centres;
h) Structures contributing to the reception, even temporary, of people in precarious situations, including transit or family promotion centres;
i) Hostels for migrant workers.
5° Firefighters from the fire and rescue services.