For all credit transactions other than those mentioned in article R. 314-2, the annual percentage rate of charge referred to in article L. 314-3 is calculated in arrears, expressed per hundred monetary units, using the equivalence method defined by the formula appended to this code. The borrower must be expressly informed of the duration of the period.
The annual percentage rate of charge is calculated actuarially and ensures, using the compound interest method, equality between, on the one hand, the sums lent and, on the other hand, all payments due by the borrower under this loan for repayment of the capital and payment of the total cost of the credit within the meaning of 7° of Article L. 311-1 where applicable, these elements are estimated.
For credit agreements for which a fixed borrowing rate has been agreed as part of the initial period of at least five years, at the end of which a negotiation is conducted on the borrowing rate in order to agree a new fixed rate for a new period, the calculation of the additional illustrative annual percentage rate of charge included in the European standardised information sheet referred to in Article L. 313-7 covers only the initial fixed rate period and is based on the assumption that, at the end of the fixed borrowing rate period, the remaining capital is repaid.